How to upgrade windows 7 to windows 8?


Want to use window 8 or 8.1 and want to upgrade window 7 to windows 8 then read this article completely and transform your window 7 into window 8 or 8.1 with our some simple steps. Window 8 and 8.1 is very nice and attractive.

Here we will use a common tool which is almost using now on their computer and with this method you can upgrade your window 7 into window 8 or window 8.1 easily and faster way to install window 8 versions on your computer. Follow below steps and transform or upgrade window 7 to window 8 or window 8.1 easily.

We will use WinRAR and Window 8 or 8.1 IOS to upgrade window 7 to window 8 version with some simple steps and you window 7 will upgrade into window 8 versions. Almost everyone using WinRAR and if you don’t have then you have install in on your computer.

Steps to Upgrade window 7 to window 8 versions are: –

  1. You need WinRAR install it on your computer.
  2. You need Window 8 or 8.1 IOS to upgrade from window 7 to window 8.
  3. Now right click on IOS of window 8 version.
  4. Click on open with WinRAR.
  5. WinRAR will open on your script then click on Wizard Option on menu bar.
  6. By default destination folder for unpacked files would be desktop.
  7. Click on finish button and done.
  8. Window 7 to window 8 version upgrade process will start automatically.

What will happen when I will upgrade window 7 to window 8 or 8.1?

When you will upgrade you window 7 into window 8 version then can see your computer like new install window. Actually you install new window in your computer without formatting your hard disk then you can see some changes like below.

  1. You will get fresh window 8.
  2. Your all software will be uninstalled.
  3. Your hard disk data will remain as same as before.
  4. You can see your old wind folder in your computer C drive as “Old.window”.
  5. You need to install all necessary software again on your computer.
  6. You can delete your old.window folder from C drive of your computer.

Follow above steps and upgrade or transform window 7 into window 8 or window 8.1 without any problem. It’s very easy also to install new window in your computer you can easily go back from window 8 version to window 7 for that you need IOS of window 7 and you can install window 7 with the help of WinRAR.

You can use window 8 version and if you don’t like it and want to use window 7 again then you can install window 7 without formatting your window. If you have any important document on your desktop or documents of your computer then save it to your hard drive otherwise your all data will be cleared from your desktop.

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I hope the above tips will help you to upgrade your window 7 into window 8 version with above simple steps for more tips you can subscribe our blog.

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