How to restart a Computer without shutting it down?


Is it possible to restart a computer without shutting it down? Well this is possible to restart a computer without shutting it down. Some software asks to restart your computer after installation of software in your computer that time you can easily handle your computer to restart without shutting it down.

Sometime our computer asks to restart the computer after installation of new software or updating software or other things but we don’t want to shut the computer and want to restart computer with shutting down it.

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You can restart your computer without shutting down your computer just follow our simple steps and restart your computer easily without shutting down computer and please save your document before you follow below step.

1)      First of all open Notepad on your computer. Short command to open notepad is press window key + R and type notepad and press enter button.

2)      Copy below code and paste it into notepad

@echo off

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe


3)      Save the file as RestartPC.bat in your computer desktop or other place where you can find easily.

4)      Now double click on RestartPC.bat when you need to restart your computer without shutting down.

Before you follow the above method make sure you have saved your documents in your computer and in this way you can restart your computer without shutting down it.

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