How to Remove Write Protection from Pen drive or Memory card?


Pen Drive or Memory card is very important accessories to store and transfer of data and information. Mostly pen drive are used for transfer of data from one computer to another computer but sometime some pen use write protection which prevents any data and information being moved from the pen drive but you can turn off this protection if it is normal write protection.

But sometime the write protection become due to some other reasons like virus on your pen drive or flash memory card that time your pen drive write protected itself. Don’t worry whatever the reason of the write protection you can again use your pen drive or flash drive by some simple steps.

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Follow the below steps to remove write protection from the pen drive or USB drive. Before you follow the below steps first of all check your pen drive is infected by virus or not. Scan your pen drive to check your pen drive is infected by virus or not. If your pen drive is infected by virus then first scan and remove virus from pen drive because sometime because of virus pen drive write protect their data itself.

Follow the steps to remove Write protection from pen drive or flash memory card.

1)      First of all scan your pen drive or memory card with the help of good antivirus.

2)      IF you found any virus in your pen drive then remove it. If your pen drive have write protection then follow next steps.

3)      Go to start menu then search bar and search for regedit and press enter. This step will open Registry Editor.

4)      Now  in Registry Editor go as : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> StorageDevicePolicies

Remember: If the registry key StorageDevicePolicies does not exist then you needs to create it manually by right click and New >> Key.

5)      Highlight StorageDevicePolicies and create a new DWORD(32-bit) value name WriteProtect.

6)      Now double click on the key WriteProtect in the right hand side of window and set the value 0 in the value data box and click ok.

7)      Now Restart your computer and insert your pen drive our flash memory card and try to write or transfer data on pen drive to computer and computer to pen drive.


Remove write Protection from pen drive using Command Prompt

We can remove the write protection through Diskpart command prompt. Follow the below steps to remove write protection using command prompt.

1)      First all go to run and type CMD and press enter, this step will open command prompt on you computer.

2)      Now type diskpart and press enter.

3)      Now type list disk and press enter. It will show list of disk on your computer for example Disk 0, Disk 1, Disk 2 etc.

4)      Now choose your disk (pen drive), see the size of disk to know which one pen drive. We assume here is my pen drive is Disk 1 then follow below steps.

5)      Now type this command Select disk 1 and press enter, here disk 1 is my pen drive you have change with you pen drive disk if your pen drive is disk 2 then you have to type Select disk 2 and press enter.

6)      Now type this command attributes disk clear readonly and press enter.

7)      Now type Exit and press enter.

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The above steps will remove the write protection from your pen drive and flash memory card. I hope the above steps would be helpful for you. Don’t forget to share this post to your friends and family to overcome from this trouble. For more tips and tricks you can subscribe our blog and likes us on Facebook and follow us on Google plus. Have a nice and tricky day.

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