Method and tactic of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO Methods are classified into three categories:

1)      White Hat SEO: White hat SEO is a technique which is recommended by search engine and love by search engines.

2)      Black Hat SEO: Black hat SEO is a technique which is never recommended by search engine and hate this technique.

3)      Grey Hat SEO: Grey hat SEO is a mixture of White hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, today many SEO experts using this technique to get instant ranking but it’s not a good way.

White Hat SEO:

An SEO Method is considered as White Hat Label SEO if it follows the Following:

1)      If it is search engine friendly and follow search engine guidelines.

2)      If it does not involved in any fraud.

3)      It ensures that the content which is search engine indexed and the user will see should be same.

4)      It ensures the quality of web page should be good.

5)      It ensures that the web page content should be search engine friendly as well as users friendly.

6)      It ensures that the content in web page should be useful.

Use always white hat SEO techniques, I am also using white hat SEO. Be honest with SEO and definitely you will get good ranking in searches and more.

Black Hat SEO:

An SEO Method is considered as Black Hat SEO if it follows the following:

1)      If you are greedy to improve your search engine ranking instantly without work hard.

2)      If your web page redirecting users from a page that is built for search engine.

3)      If your web page redirecting users to a page that was different from the page which is which ranked I search engine.

4)      Using cloaking SEO: Creating a page for search engine spider and creating another same page for human visitors.

5)      Using hidden or invisible anchor text on web page.

6)      Keyword stuffing: repeating keyword in Meta keywords and using keywords that are unrelated to the site’s content.

7)      Doorway or Gateway Pages: creating low quality web page that contain low quantity of content but stuffed with very keyword phrases.

8)      Copy content: If you are using another web content in your web content or using spun web content in your web page.

9)      Page hijacking:  In this method user create a copy of popular website which shows similar content to the original to a web crawler, but redirect to the other or malicious website.

Gray Hat SEO

Grey hat SEO is a mixture of White and black hat SEO, An SEO Method is considered as Grey Hat SEO if it follows the following:

1)      If you are using Spam Blog Commenting,

2)      If you getting linking from adult and illegal websites.

3)      If you built many link in a day.

4)      If you are purchasing many backlink.

5)      If you are using links with the help of Software.

Recommendation: Always use white hat SEO technique and away to adopt any black hat and grey hat method. Today all search engines are smart and can identify your website.

View: Best and popular Online SEO Tool Lists

Read : How to do Off Site SEO Tutorial Free Online Part I

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