How to verify Website by w3c validator ?


Hello, today I am going to teach you how to make website W3C Compliance. Assume you designed and developed a website but how would you know the all the syntax of your web coding is correct or wrong. Well many SEO expert said HTML/XHTML verification is not must require for SEO. But Here I want to share some reasons for why your site should be W3C compliance.

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What is W3C Compliance?

W3C is the worldwide consortium and from 1994 it’s provided the guidelines about which website should be structured and created. Here below are the links to validate your website or web page:

1)      Validate your website CSS File by W3C Standard CSS Validator

2)      Validate your website HTML/XHTML file by W3C Standard HTML/XHTML Validator

When you will check your website on W3C Validator, if you W3C validator found any error then W3C validator display all the errors and warning with reasons.

Why HTML/XHTML Verification is Important?

There are many reasons to verify your website by W3C validator. Read the reasons why it’s important:

1)      The quality of web page are depends on all your website coding and it’s important how you have written you web page.

2)      If your website coding have not well or have many errors on your web page, it might get confused the search engine to index your website content properly.

3)      There are lots of HTML tags and there are some tags which is not supportable by some search engine. So, ignore using lots of HTML tags. Use some popular HTML tags.

4)      Always good HTML coding is appreciated by all the webmasters.

Some Rules for W3C Compliance

There are some useful w3c compliance rules which you should read and remember to improve your SEO below:

1) At the starting every XHTML page Use the XHTML declaration statements.


“-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd”>

2) The head and body tags are mandatory

3) Don’t forget to every Tag properly.

4) Use slash for empty tags.  Empty tag doesn’t require an end tag. Examples include

<br> and <hr>.

    •  Use <br/> instead of <BR>.


  •  Use <hr/> instead of <HR>.


5) Use <IMG SRC=”–“/> intead of <img src=”–” >

6) All tags must be written in lower case.

    • <FONT color=”#ffffcc”> is invalid coding


  • <font color=”#ffffcc”> is valid coding



  • <font color=”#FFFFCC”> is also valid coding.



  • 7) Put all the attribute values with-in double quote.


8) Tags should not nested

    • <b><i>Text</b></i> This is invalid coding


  • <b><i>Text</i></b> This is valid coding


9) Use <pre> tag without containing img, object, big, small, sub, or sup.

10) One <form> tag do not enter inside of another <form> tag.

11) Use “&amp;” If you are using “&”

I hope this tutorial help you to know about Website W3C compliance Importance. I you have any query then please enter your valuable Comment Below.

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