How to Choose SEO Friendly Domain for your website?

I learner today, I am going to teach you about how to choose domain for your online business. Well, when you start thinking about online business then first of all you will think about website domain name.

Before choosing a domain for your online business then you should consider the following things:

  • What are you are going to sell online services or products etc.
  • About your target audience
  • What have you different and unique than other competitors

Many people think the keyword in domain are good for their business and help to increase their ranking in SERP. I think Keywords in the domain are good for your business but it will be good if your domain name have short, memorable and without hyphens.

[box title=”” bg_color=”#8bd655″ align=”left”]Read: Learn How to SEO Optimize Keywords?[/box]

If you are thinking to use the domain name with keyword it’s very good because it’s give a strong competitive advantage. Domain name with keyword can increase your click through rate on search engine.

Avoid purchasing the long and confusing domain name because if you will purchase confusing and long domain name then it will not attract your visitor and having difficult to remember.

Use short and easy domain name it will more memorable. Easy and short domain name helps you to create branding of your business. Here are few domain names which is short and easy to memorable like ebay, snappdeal, facebook, yahoo, Google etc.

Blogstoc Tips

Before buying domain for your online business you should able to answer of following questions:

  • Why you want to buy domain? What type of services you are providing? And what have you different or unique services from others?
  • Compare your services with your business competitors
  • Buy the best domain name which is catchier, Memorable and relevant to your business.

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I hope this tutorial helps you to buy the best domain for your online business. If you like this tutorial then you can subscribe our newsletter and follow us on social networking site.

  • Jan


  • Jan

    Thanks for your information. I was before very confused how to choose a seo friendly domain name . After i read your article i got good idea to choose a domain name . I followed your steps finally i have registered my domain name from this site