How to Copy or download full website for offline use?


Want to download your favorite on your computer to surf offline? Many of our blog readers were asking “how to download full website to read blog offline and is there any trick to read a blog without using internet or surf offline?” but today here you can learn how to download full website on your computer.

How to download the website full for offline use just follow the below steps and download any website easily. It will very helpful for you to surf any blog or website offline without using internet connection, if you want to download your favorite blog then read below steps.

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How to download or copy any website in your computer?

Here we will use a software HTTrack which is known as website copier and it is very useful tool to copy or download any website or blog in your computer easily. Follow below steps to copy or download a website or blog to surf offline.

Steps to copy or download a website using HTTrack are:

1)      First of all download and install HTTrack website copier in your computer.

2)      Open HTTack and click on Next Button.

3)      Type your project name whatever you want.

4)      Leave project category as blank.

5)      Choose base path where you want to download the website. By default it will download in C drive.

6)      Now click on Next button.

7)      Click on add URL button and enter the website address (URL) or direct past the website address.

8)      Click on Next and choose whatever you want disconnect when finished or shutdown PC when finished or leave it as defualt.

9)      Now click on Finish button and leave it as it will take few minutes to download all files in your computer.

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HTTrack is very nice tool to copy or download any website to surf offline. HTTrack copy all the files of website like css, javascript and html but I can’t download PHP files so don’t try if you are looking for copy any PHP based website to still the website application.

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Remember you can download any website in HTML format only and do not try it for illegal use for copying any website design etc.

I hope this article will help you to download your favorite website and blog to surf offline. For more tips and trick subscribe our blog and like our Facebook Fan page and please share this post to your friends and colleagues.