How to Add AdSense Ads below post title & After Post in...

How to Add AdSense Ads below post title & After Post in Blogger?


Blogger is good platform of blogging for newbies and if you are a new blogger and want add Google AdSense ads below post title and after post then you have to follow our below steps and you can learn it easily to add Google AdSense below on your blogger platform.

Adding Google AdSense below post title and after post is good ads placement. If you got an AdSense account and want to show your ads on blogger below post title and after post then it’s quite easy to add but you need to follow all the steps carefully.

Before you follow below steps you need to download your blogger template for the backup of your blogger template. Backup always help us to recover our blog from any kind of miss happening with our blog. So, you can follow below steps to insert AdSense ads below post title & after post.

Recommended Reading: Facebook Recommendation bar for Blogger/ BlogSpot

How to Insert Google AdSense ads below post title & after post in blogger?

Remember: before you proceed below steps make sure you have a backup of your blogger template. Now follow below steps and insert Google AdSense ads below post title and after post within few minutes.

First: How to Add (Insert) Google AdSense ads below Post Title: –

First of all you need to create Google AdSense Code for your blogger follow below steps:

  • First login Google AdSense account.
  • Create ad unit any size but I recommend you create 300*250 or 728*90 and save it
  • Now generate ads tag and choose Synchronous ads Type and copy ad code.
  • Now you need to parse your AdSense code from below tool just paste your AdSense code below tool.
  • Now you have AdSense Parsed code & now add to blogger from below steps.

Add (Insert) Google AdSense Code on Blogger:

    • First Login your Blogger account.
    • Go to Blogger Template
    • Take a Backup for the safety as a said before.
    • Click on Edit HTML
    • Press CTRL + F and find this code : <data:post.body/>
    • There may be more 1 code like above code but you have to try with all codes.
    • Now you have to add below code above this <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>



  • If you put all the things very well then your ads will look like below image

ad google ads below post title

How to Add Google AdSense Ads After Post in Blogger:

    • Now you know how to create parse Google AdSense Code from above steps. So, follow below steps to insert Google AdSense below post.
    • Create Google Ads like above and Parse it.
    • Find this code <data:post.body/> like above but here you need to add below code after this code <data:post.body/>
    • You need to add Google AdSense Code below this code <data:post.body/>
    • All Done.

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;’>



Recommended Reading: How to Setup GoDaddy Domain Name in Blogger

Follow all the above steps and insert your Google AdSense ads below your post title and after post easily. Parse your AdSense code from below tool.

HTML Encoder Tool

Enter your Google Adsense Ad code and copy the parsed code to use in your blog.

Enter Code:

Parsed Code:

  • spiny12

    I have a problem.
    Error parsing XML, line 2990, column 12: Open quote is expected for attribute “cond” associated with an element type “b:if”.

    • Dinesh S


      (‘) Symbol to (“) in the line (Before data and in the end near quot;

  • Dinesh S

    @mark this is not working i cant get ads after saving the lines in my page whats the error

  • Wow this is simple and straight to the point. I will try it out.