What is SEO?

Hello Newbies, I am Rohit Mathpal today I gonna teach you about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Here below read all about SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO Stand for Search Engine optimization, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process to optimize you website and increase page rank and SERP. Only SEO is the process to increase your online visibility and organic traffic.

SEO is the way to Increase your online sale and services, if you have a website which is looking very pretty but have not any visitor and did not know how get the visitor then you should hire a SEO Freelancer because SEO freelancer is better than any company.

Types of SEO

There are three types of SEO:

1)      White hat SEO (Recommended).

2)     Gray Hat SEO.

3)     Black Hat SEO (Not Recommended).

White Hat SEO: White hat SEO is the best SEO technique, All the SEO recommend white hat SEO. White Hat SEO is a Good way of optimization. With the help of white hat SEO you can increase your website organic ranking for long time stability.

Gray Hat SEO: Gray hat SEO is the mixture of white hat and black hat SEO. Well today many SEO use this method to get instant ranking in searches but they lose their website ranking instantly also. I do not recommend this method but you can try this.

Black Hat SEO: Black hat as a name this is the black or bad way to get website ranking in few days. I do not recommend this method because if any search engine (Google) found you are using black hat SEO then you will be penalized by Google for 3 to 6 months.

How to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Here are some simple things to do SEO. There are two things to do for SEO, first you need to do On-Site SEO and then Off- site SEO of your website

On Site SEO(On Page SEO)

First of all you need to do on site Optimization (On Site SEO), On Site Optimization you need to implement some Meta Tags on your Website under head section (<head></head>).

What is Meta Tag?

Meta tags are some tags which helps search engine to read your website and know about your websites. Meta tags are some types of coding which is written under head section (<head>here your Meta tags</head>). Below are some important Meta tags

1)      Title Tag: Title Tag is very important tag for your website which indicates about your website which is helps the search engine to crawl your website.

2)    Keyword: Keyword tag is second important tag for your website which is helps the search engine and people to find your website easily.

Keyword Research: Keyword Research is the way to find the best keywords for your website, do keyword research before implementation keywords on your website.

[box title=”” bg_color=”#92d662″ align=”left”]Must Read: Learn How to do keyword research[/box]

3)    Description: Description Tag is the third important thing for website which tells about your whole website in just few characters.

Off Site SEO

Off-site SEO is the way of increasing backlinks which is helps to get ranking, you can say it’s a way of building links for your website. Off Site SEO is very important to increase your website ranking in searches.

How to Do Off-Site SEO

Here are some simple way to do Offsite SEO, Below are some Latest Off-Site SEO techniques:

1)     Social Bookmarking: Social Bookmarking is a technique to build backlinks for website. Social bookmarking are some social websites which allow you to bookmark your interested Websites.

2)     Blog Submission: Blogging is one of the best techniques to get backlinks for your website, write a good and relevant article for your website and submit it on some popular Blog Sites with Anchor Text.

3)     Article Submission: Article submission is a technique to get backlink from article websites, write a good article then submit it on article websites with Anchor Text.

4)     Blog Commenting: Blog Commenting is another way to get backlink for your website via commenting on other blog and website which allow you to comment on their websites or blog.

5)     Directory Submission: Directory Submission is a technique to get link from directory sites. Submit your website in directory site and get backlinks.

6)     Group Creation: Get Backlinks from group’s website, it is a new technique to get backlinks from group’s website.

7)     Q & A Submission: Q & A is some question and answer website which is allow you to share links with your questions and answers. It is also a good way to get backlinks.

8)     Profile creation: Profile creation is a technique to get backlinks from profile website which allows you to keep your website on their website.

This Tutorial is just for the introduction about SEO, If you want to Learn more and expand your SEO knowledge then go to the below link.

[box title=”” bg_color=”#eded65″ align=”left”]Full SEO Tutorial: Learn SEO Online Free by Blogstoc.org On Page SEO Tutorial[/box]

  • Nice article ! SEO means search engine optimization it helps to drive traffic to your blogs,increase popularity,income,page rank..You can submit free articles,Social bookmarking ,Directories to get free blog traffic,but it take sometime to get visitos.So i would suggest the site XnYnZ.com here you can get the paid seo service it helps to promote the site in many ways and increase visitors ratio soon,also page rank too. Search engine visibility service is available at XnYnZ.com