How to use Whatsapp on PC without bluestacks or android emulator?


Whatsapp is not reserved only for smartphone users. Now, it is available for computer users and here you no need to use Bluestacks or other android emulator. Many people are unable to install and configure Bluestacks in their computer because of their graphic card thus they are unable to use Whatsapp on computer.

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Get Wassapp application for your computer and no need Bluestacks or android emulator. Wassapp application is good for you if you don’t have good graphic or using old window version. It’s very light application than Bluestacks.  Follow below steps and learn how to use whatsapp without bluestacks.

Feature of this Wassapp Application are:

  • No need any graphic card.
  • Your computer does not hang while it is on use.
  • Very Light application.
  • All features are similar to mobile Whatsapp App.

Steps to use Wassapp on PC without android emulator are:

  • First download wassapp for PC.
  • Install this software in your Computer.
  • Open the software after installation and you can see two options Login and Register.
  • Register yourself and login your whatsapp on PC.
  • Now you can see the Chat screen and contact list and you don’t need install bluestacks or other android emulator.


Steps to use Wassapp on PC without android emulator are:

Wassapp is not official whatsapp application but you can use this application to run whatsapp on computer and no need to install Bluestacks and other android emulator. You can run this application in window XP, SP2 and other new version.

Important things to run Wassapp on you computer

  • Need Net Framework 4.0
  • Operation should be Window XP, SP2 and new versions.

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Follow all the above steps carefully and run whatsapp on your computer without any android emulator.

I hope this tutorial will you to run whatsapp on your computer without bluestacks or android emulator. For more tips and tricks follow our blog and like our Facebook Fan page. Have a nice and tricky Day 🙂

  • jonty

    They are saying an error occured during the registration. So can you just fix it?

  • aswin

    registration failed !!

  • Hacker’s World

    world’s worst app yet i have used
    it only says registration failed

  • sushant

    its just a way to provide a file of 11mb and they get money……..
    it is totally useless

  • Rahul M

    Mine is worse. It says the program stopped working