How to hide Facebook Seen Featue from chat?


Facebook is world best social networking platform where people share their thoughts, make friends and much more. Today Facebook is not just for making fun and new online friends but people using Facebook to promote their business.

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Sometime on Facebook you are busy on some work and don’t have much time to chat with friends and want be online to watch Facebook activities. So what will you do when your friends will message you on your inbox and you don’t want to reply or ignore. Facebook Seen feature is good feature of Facebook but sometime it very annoying when you are busy.

Facebook Seen feature is when someone read any message on Facebook the database of Facebook update automatically the Seen feature with time on sender inbox (Chat box), this feature annoying anyone on Facebook when you don’t want to reply. If you want remove Seen feature from Facebook chat then Follow below steps. Here we will use extension and script.

chat seen feature Facebook

Steps to Remove Seen Feature from Facebook chat are:

Google Chrome Users Follow below steps:

1)      Click Here Messenger UNSEEN on Facebook or Facebook Unseen.

2)      Now Click on Free Button and wait the chrome extension will automatically install in your browser.

Facebook Unseen messenger

3)      Now you can read friends message and your friends can’t see the seen on their chat.

Mozilla Firefox Users Follow below steps:

1)      Here you need to install Grease Monkey

2)      Now you have to install Facebook Stealth

3)      Now you can read your friends message and you can ignore them.

How to uninstall Extension or ADD ONS

1)      Google Chrome users go to setting option then click on Extension now delete the extension or go from here Uninstall Extension

2)      Mozilla Firefox users Press CTRL + SHIF + A or Click on Tool >> Add-Ons >> Extensions and Click remove button.

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Above extension or Add-ons are very useful for you if you don’t want to talk on Facebook. Skip or ignore your Facebook conversion with these tools. Read Facebook tricks Like Auto Like, Auto Tag, Auto Page inviter and more.

I hope this post will useful for you for more tips and tricks you can subscribe our blog or like our Facebook fan page.