How to Reduce Call Rates on Airtel 50p/min Rate Cutter Free


Bharti Airtel ltd is the biggest and reliable mobile network in India. Everyone knows that Airtel is the best mobile network company in India and there are many users of Airtel network in India but many user moves to other network because of Airtel high calling rates.

If you are a user of Airtel network and want to reduce your call rate then you need call rate cutter plan but for that you need some special recharge to cut your call rate but here I am going to share some tick to reduce your call rate without any special recharge.

I am sharing this trick because I tested it on my own mobile number and it is working for me. You can also try below trick to reduce your Airtel call rate without any special recharge.

Steps to reduce Airtel call rate (Rate Cutter) Free are:-

  • Open your mobile message box.
  • Type YESADV and send to 121.
  • You will get message like below image for confirmation of your message.

airtel rate cutter free

  • After 48 hours the rate cutter 50p/min plan will activate successfully on your mobile and your local and STD call rate will be 50p/min.

Recommended Reading: Get Free Online Mobile Recharge in India

The above trick is working on my Airtel mobile number. If you have an Airtel mobile number then try the above tricks and enjoy. So, what are you waiting for? Go and use this trick and share this trick to others.